Bike racing / Motocross, Bangalore
Motocross is a form of motorcycle sport or all-terrain vehicle racing held on enclosed off road circuits. Motocross is derived from the French, and traces its origins to British scrambling competitions. The name "motocross" is a portmanteau derived from the words "Motorcycle" and "Cross Country". Internationally Motocross is an outdoor dirt bike competition using long courses over natural terrain with some manmade jumps. It is seen as a family sport with parents assisting their young children teaching them the basics. Motocross involves racing in what are called Motos. More popular variants of Motocross include Supercross and Arenacross, which cater to professional racers, larger audiences, TV, and endorsements conducted inside a stadium. In India, Supercross is construed as motocross and vice versa as it has been the practice since the beginning.